Wall of Heroes

Private First Class Nestor F Acero 574126
For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of life above and beyond the call of duty against heavily armed and numerically superior adversaries in the vicinity of Sibalo Hill, Punai, Jolo, Sulu on November 26 and 27, 1972.
The 7th and 8th Marine Companies were serving as assault units at that time but suffered heavy casualties while defending their grounds due to the resistance of 500 fully armed enemies. As their positions were unsupportable, the two companies were ordered by the battalion commander to disengage from the battle.
Private First Class Acero of the 7th Marine Company, then designated rifleman, was nursing his wounded teammate and friend, Private First Class Buaya, when they were attacked by enemy fire. Despite orders from his superiors, he decided to stay behind to take care of other critically wounded comrades and cover the withdrawal of the rest of the troops. His gallant defenses attracted massive enemy fire, which pinned him. When recovery teams were sent out after the savage battle, they found 30 or more dead rebels on the periphery of the dead body of Private First Class Acero, whose left arm was cradling the neck of Private First Class Buaya. This display of gallantry and heroism at the sacrifice of his life above and beyond the call of duty distinguished Private First Class Acero as among the finest in the military service.

For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of life above and beyond the call of duty against heavily armed kidnappers at Bgy Kapayawan, Isabela, Basilan Province on May 7-15, 1993.
As the Commanding Officer of the 61 Marine Reconnaissance Company, they were tasked to infiltrate the Abu Sayyaf Camp Al Madinah and rescue the victim named, Luis Anthony Biel III. Captain Parcon Jr. led his men on a hazardous mission, pitting them against extremely fanatical and suicidal armed elements. He and his men engaged six-armed enemies, killing two, neutralizing four kidnappers, and wounding several others. Then, they were ambushed by the main body of Abu Sayyaf mujahideen, Captain Parcon Jr. crawled towards the main enemy force and single-handedly knocked down the enemy bunkers. He crept close to the enemy and lobbed a smoke grenade at their position to give supporting helicopter gunships a clearer target.
On May 10, he and his men made the final assault on the enemy's main headquarters. Again, he single-handedly maneuvered forward and delivered a fatal burst of fire to the enemy gunner, making the last defense of the Abu Sayyaf group collapse. The capture of Camp Al Madinah and the neutralization of 46 Abu Sayyaf extremists made the enemy release Luis Anthony Biel III. They were able to recover weapons, explosives, and large documents from the camp. Through these achievements, Captain Parcon Jr. distinguished himself in combat in keeping with the finest traditions of Filipino soldiery.

For acts of conspicuous courage, gallantry, and intrepidity above and beyond the call of duty as Commanding Officer of Marine Battalion Landing Team-1, during a 24-hour firefight against an estimated 300 fully armed men belonging to the Moro Islamic Liberation Front at Brgy Inudaran, Kauswagan, Lanao del Norte on March 18 and 19, 2000.
Lieutenant Colonel Querubin led the MBLT-1, composed of 117 officers and men, in the hazardous mission to capture the formidable MILF Camp John Mack (ABDULLATEF), headquarters of the 303rd Brigade, commanded by the notorious Abdul Rahman G. Macapaar, or better known as Commander Bravo. Around March 18, 2000, Lieutenant Colonel Querubin and his men were heavily shot by rebels from their dugouts, bunkers, and trenches. Unable to move due to darkness and intense fire from machine guns, rockets, mortars, and snipers, he still ordered his men to hold the line and directed the Special Operation Squad to close in on the enemy camp and pinpoint its location to the Marines’ battalion artillery supporting fires.
Despite dwindling ammunition and increasing casualties on their side,Lieutenant Colonel Querubin’s inspiring leadership made his men fight ferociously which collapses the enemy's last line of defense, leaving behind their vaunted rocket launchers and high-powered firearms as well as documents of high intelligence value. The capture of Camp John Mack resulted in the neutralization of the MILF's most strategic area for operations and liberated the residents of Lanao del Norte from the oppressive MILF revolutionary collection, estimated at P38 million annually. Lieutenant Colonel Querubin distinguished himself in combat in the finest tradition of Filipino soldiers with this valiant deed.

Corporal Laurence M Narag 788562
For acts of conspicuous courage, gallantry, and intrepidity at the risk of life above and beyond the call of duty while serving as Radioman, Team 1, 61st Marine Company, Force Reconnaissance Battalion, placed OPCON with MBLT-1, 1MBDe, during the 10-hour encounter with 200 fully armed MILF rebels that were encamped at Sitio Illan, Delabayan, Kauswagan, Lanao del Norte on April 3, 2000.
To eliminate MILF and other rebels barricaded in strong bunkers, it meant depending on artillery fire and close air support. Knowing this, Corporal Narag dashed alone toward the enemy and delivered effective sniper fire at them to efficiently transmit their positions. Unfortunately, Corporal Narag was targeted by enemy sniper fire, which wounded his body. Corporal Layaguin, a corpsman, tried to rescue him but was also hit by sniper fire. The wounded Corporal Narag still fiercely retaliated by firing upon the enemy. This single act of Corporal Narag relieved the pressure on the rest of his unit, whose members were then facing a heavy volume of fire from the enemy. He held on to the original position he occupied, manning the only operational radio left that his platoon had. He was able to establish radio contact with the OV-10 aircraft and coordinate close air support for his still embattled unit.
With all the strength his dying body could muster, Corporal Narag fought back until the unit's Commanding Officer dragged him toward the MEDEVAC vehicle. He was able to establish contact with the OV-10 despite his mortal wounds, saving the lives of many other Marines. Based on SIGINT reports, 40 MILF were killed, and an undetermined number of enemies were wounded due to the OV-10 bombing made possible by the late Corporal Narag. By this gallantry, Corporal Narag distinguished himself in combat and acted beyond the call of duty in keeping with the finest tradition of Filipino soldiery.

Corporal Ernesto A Layaguin 789124
For acts of conspicuous courage, gallantry, and intrepidity at the risk of life above and beyond the call of duty while serving as a Corpsman, 61st Marine Company during a 10-hour encounter with about 200 fully armed MILF rebels that were encamped at Sitio Ilian, Delabayan, Kauswagan, Lanao del Norte on April 3, 2002.
Realizing that the key to the enemy's destruction was the vital calls for artillery fire and close air support that Corporal Narag was coordinating through the radio. Corporal Layaguin rushed forward and shielded Corporal Narag with his own body to secure the latter and the radio, which was the most important thing they had at that moment. In the process, he was hit by a sniper's bullet in the body. Despite the wound he sustained, he still managed to extricate Corporal Narag.
After dragging the radioman to a safer distance, Corporal Layaguin tended to the wounds of his comrade, but unfortunately, a second sniper's bullet found its mark on his forehead and killed him instantly. Corporal Layaguin tried to save the life of a fellow Marine and never left him, even at the expense of his own life. His gallant deed inspired the other members of the team to fight on more fiercely, which led to the eventual seizure of the formidable MILF camp at Delabayan. By this gallant deed, Corporal Layaguin distinguished himself in combat in the finest traditions of Filipino soldiery.

Sergeant Tomas V Campo Jr 755345
For acts of conspicuous courage, gallantry, and intrepidity at the risk of life above and beyond the call of duty during an encounter with 150 heavily armed MILF separatists along the Liangan River, Munai, Lanao del Norte, while serving as a hospital corpsman of the 20th Marine Company, Marine Battalion Landing Team-10, on or about April 11, 2000.
MBLT-10 was tasked as the main effort in a brigade-size operation launched by the 1st Marine Brigade to capture Camp Bilal, a major MILF stronghold located in Lanao del Norte, with the 20th Marine Company as the lead assault unit. Pre-positioned MILF rebels in well-fortified trenches opened fire with a heavy volume of small arms and mortars at the advancing Marines. In the fierce exchange of fire, 10 Marines in the forward positions were hit by enemy fire.
Sergeant Campo, the corpsman of the 20th Marine Company, rushed forward to treat his wounded comrades hit by hostile fire. While disregarding his own safety, he pulled each one of them to places safe from heavy sniper and mortar fire. Just when it seemed that his task was done, the platoon commander was hit by enemy fire. Sergeant Campo rushed back to attend to and evacuate the officer, exposing himself once again to hostile gunfire. In the process, he was fatally hit by enemy bullets, dying right there at the combat scene. All 11 Marines he attended have survived. Only the angel of mercy himself lost his life so that others may live. Sergeant Campo has incomparably distinguished himself in combat, which is in keeping with the finest traditions of Filipino soldiery.

For acts of conspicuous courage and gallantry beyond the call of duty as members of the 52nd Marine Company, Force Reconnaissance Battalion, and 9th Marine Battalion during the assault on heavily fortified enemy bunkers in the vicinity of Poblacion Matanog, Maguindanao, on April 30, 2000.
These military personnel maneuvered fearlessly toward the objective while keenly observing the surroundings for the safety of the entire team. Unmindful of their own personal safety, these men applied their combat skills, immediately occupied a vantage position, and exchanged fire with the enemy. When the wounded government troops were being extricated, these brave men provided the firepower to halt the enemy's advances, which greatly eased the pressure on their comrades. They chose to hold their ground when the command 'withdraw' was given to protect their comrades.
They provided deadly cover fire to the withdrawing troops and inflicted numerous casualties on the advancing enemies. The Marines were hit by enemy fire but relentlessly fought the enemies until they were caught by the RPG blast, which lifted their lifeless bodies momentarily from the ground. They earned the respect and admiration of the entire AFP for their display of heroism and selflessness, giving up their lives so that others could live. First Lieutenant To-ong and Sergeant Deluana have incomparably distinguished themselves in combat, which is in accordance with the finest tradition of Filipino soldierly.

Sergeant Domingo J Deluana 709419
For acts of conspicuous courage and gallantry beyond the call of duty as members of the 52nd Marine Company, Force Reconnaissance Battalion, and 9th Marine Battalion during the assault on heavily fortified enemy bunkers in the vicinity of Poblacion Matanog, Maguindanao, on April 30, 2000.
When the troops were engaged in the furious fighting that began at dawn, these military personnel fearlessly moved toward the target while watching the surroundings carefully for the safety of the entire team. They used their combat abilities and maneuver tactics to quickly take up a vantage position and exchange fire with the enemy. These men provided the firepower to block the enemy's advances while the wounded government troops were being rescued. When the order to 'withdraw' was delivered, they made the decision to stand by their position regardless of their own safety in order to defend their allies.
The Marines inflicted significant damage on the insurgents while providing lethal cover fire to the retreating soldiers. Despite being struck by enemy fire, they continued to fight until they were caught by an RPG blast that briefly lifted their lifeless bodies off the ground. Their gallantry and acts of heroism have greatly helped in extricating their wounded comrades, thus minimizing casualties, and preventing the possibility of total annihilation by the superior enemy forces. First Lieutenant To-ong and Sergeant Deluana have incomparably distinguished themselves in combat, which is in accordance with the finest tradition of Filipino soldiery.

Staff Sergeant Herminigildo J Yurong 709321
For acts of conspicuous, gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of life above and beyond the call of duty while serving as Platoon Sergeant, Special Operation Capable Unit, Marine Battalion Landing Team-2, during the conduct of combat operations against 200 MILF rebels at Langkong, Matanog, Maguindanao in accordance with the execution of MBLT-2 OPORD 05-2k (Warrior Shield) on May 29, 2000.
Fully aware that the enemy’s overwhelming firepower and numerical superiority would eventually overwhelm his pinned-down platoon, Staff Sergeant Yurong advanced toward the enemy and single-handedly delivered a volume of fire upon the enemy's advanced position to clear the way for his beleaguered platoon. Under the hail of heavy enemy fire and relentless RPG attacks, he audaciously moved from one hasty cover to another across the line of fire, crawling, leapfrogging, delivering potent, accurate counter-fire, and throwing grenades toward every enemy position. It was unfortunate, however, that in the last instance, an RPG round found its mark near his position. The blast wounded him fatally, which caused his instantaneous death.
His death was not in vain, as his men fiercely and relentlessly fought the MILF rebels and sustained the momentum established by Staff Sergeant Yurong. His singular act and aggressive attacks against the enemy positions destabilized the MILF fighters who later withdrew, leaving behind 11 enemies killed while an undetermined number of wounded enemies were dragged along by their comrades. Through these gallant deeds, Staff Sergeant Yurong distinguished himself in combat in the finest traditions of Filipino soldiery.

PFC Gener C Tinangag 920961
For acts of conspicuous courage, gallantry and intrepidity above and beyond the call of duty while serving as Assistant Automatic Rifleman, while reinforcing the heavily engaged units of Marine Battalion Landing Team-7 (MBLT-7) and Marine Special Operations Group (MARSOG) in the vicinity of Mapandi Bridge, Brgy. Lilod Madaya, Marawi City on June 9, 2017.
Under a heavy concentration of enemy sniper and machine guns, rocket propelled grenades and molotov cocktail, SOP MBLT-5 was tasked to reinforce and implement the extrication of wounded and killed troops of MBLT-7 and MARSOG in order to facilitate the retrograde. Private First Class Tinangag along with three other Marines volunteered to evacuate the wounded and killed troops to the Casualty Collection Point (CCP). After numerous trips of evacuating the wounded and killed troops from the engagement area to CCP under the hail of enemy fires, the rest of the team of Private First Class Tinangag decided to sought cover and rest as they were too exhausted from carrying wounded and killed in action including their weapons, and ammunition to the CCP. Disregarding his own safety and acting alone, Private First Class Tinangag fearlessly exposed himself and again advanced through the shower of grenades and heavy machine gun fires and made four more separate trips to rescue four (4) wounded Marines namely: Corporal Rolan H. Sumagpang PN(M), Corporal Michael B. Santos PN(M), Corporal Frandin L. Sumalde PN(M), and Private First Class Pfizer A. Paglinawan PN(M) who were holed up inside a mosque adjacent to the cluster of buildings being attacked by the terrorist and brought them to CCP.
His movement drew the attention of enemy sniper fires in the nearby buildings that shifted their fire towards Private First Class Tinangag. Inadvertently, Private First Class Tinangag in his own initiatives once again went back to the kill zone to pursue his gallant act of extracting WIAs and KIAs. That while single-handedly recovering the body of 1LT John Frederick S. Savellano PN(M)(KIA), Private First Class Tinangag took an enemy sniper shot to his stomach and was peppered with shrapnel from an enemy grenade. Despite his wounds, he mustered all his remaining strength and carried his comrade Marine under the rubble of buildings to the CCP located 200 meters away while avoiding the relentless enemy fires. Private First Class Tinangag managed to carry the body of 1LT Savellano to the CCP before collapsing due to his wounds and later on declared dead at the medical station hours later.
Through his outstanding bravery and unflinching determination in the face of great adversity during that five (5) hour intense and deadly battle against the ISIS-inspired Local Terrorist Group (Maute), Private First Class Tinangag selflessly and single handedly saved the lives of four (4) Marines and extricated one (1) KIA in exchange of his own life. His selfless sacrifice raised the morale of troops to valiantly advance in a ferocious battle and subsequently liberated Marawi City from the terrorists. By this singular display of heroism, Private First Class Gener Tinangag PN(M) distinguished himself in combat, keeping with the finest traditions of Filipino soldiery.